GA4: Get ready to welcome the future of Google Analytics

GA4- Google analytics 4

Google recently introduced a new version of Analytics – Google Analytics 4, as the new default analytics version. One of the key advantages of GA4 is that it helps track a website and an app in the same account. Moreover, it offers various reporting features which further help you gain detailed insights into how your audience interacts with your website. A digital marketing agency can further develop effective internet marketing strategies to meet your various business goals based on these insights. This blog will discuss the benefits of Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Benefits of Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Compared to the previous version of Google Analytics, i.e., Universal Analytics (UA), GA4 stores and processes data differently. As a result, it provides us with new ways to measure and analyse future web traffic. Besides, the way to navigate GA4 is different from that of UA. Let’s discuss the benefits of GA4 further.

More emphasis on users

The focus of GA4 is solely on users and how they interact with websites, recorded as events. With more focus on users and event-driven data, you can use a set of metrics to track website and app data. For instance, if a user visits your website through their mobile device and later on a desktop computer and then uses your app to register, download or purchase your brand offering, the new analytics will offer you tools to track their journey effectively.

Focused on user engagement

GA4 helps collect and aggregate more data, providing marketers and analysts with a detailed report on users. They have aligned report menu sections with customer journeys for this purpose. You will find a ‘ Lifecycle ‘ section instead of ‘Audience’, ‘Acquisition’, ‘Behavior’ and ‘conversion’ menus. It further divided analysis into ‘Acquisition’, ‘Engagement’, ‘Monetization’, and ‘Retention’. Moreover, there is a separate ‘User’ section where you will find user demographics and technology details. The powerful user-centric metrics and AI dimension of GA4 help predict customer action.

GA4 doesn’t have the ‘Bounce Rate’ metrics; instead, it includes some other helpful engagement metrics. These new metrics and the pre-configured events such as scroll, outbound clicks, file downloads, etc., can help you determine the success of your content in engaging your audiences.

Create relevant audiences for ad campaigns

GA4 offers better metrics and analytics tools that help build more relevant audiences for your marketing and advertising campaigns. It implies better ROI on your campaign expenses.

Suppose you are running ad campaigns on mobile and desktop devices and across web and app platforms. Imagine a situation where your users visit your website through any device and start filling out a contact form. However, without completing the form, they needed to leave. Next, they use your native Android or iOS app to fill out the unfinished form.

The previous version of analytics would have posed difficulties in joining user journeys across multiple devices and platforms and optimising your ad spending accordingly. However, by configuring your website and apps, you can join your user’s entire journey and make the most of your ad spend.

Besides, GA4 will continue including new predictive metrics, such as potential revenue you can earn from a specific group of customers. It will help you create audiences to reach high-value customers. Moreover, you can further analyse different data to determine why some customers are likely to spend more than others. It will help you develop strategies accordingly to improve your ROI. As a GA4 is pretty new, understanding all the features and how to use them in your favour better might pose certain difficulties. In such cases, you can consult the best SEO agency in Singapore to analyse user data from GA4 and develop better marketing strategies.

Intelligent user-privacy and tracking features

GA4 lets you control what personal data they can collect. It will help you comply with existing and future privacy regulations. Further, you can even exclude specific events and user properties when personalising ads. This new approach is designed keeping in mind the future when Google will stop using third-party cookies, and privacy will become a huge concern for users and regulatory bodies.

Setting up simple goals and events

The ‘Event Editing and Synthesis’ feature enables you to track goals and gain detailed behavioural data. You will not require editing and optimising goal set up. As a result,  it is pretty helpful when hosting transactional functions such as contact forms and checkout on a subdomain or a third-party site.

GA4 now pre-creates various actions and events. You may not track certain form submission and ecommerce goals automatically. However, the process of setting and implementing them has become much easier.

Improved reporting

GA4 comes with additional visualisation and reporting functions. They have improved the existing ‘Real Time’ feature and made it more engaging. In addition, the ‘Analytics Hub’ features a template gallery which you can use to create charts for various analyses. As a result, it has simplified the process of cross-dimensional metric reporting.

Various parameters

Gaining the right data and analysing them against the right metrics is critical to understanding their value. For instance, for an e-commerce store, you can use specific parameters to determine the value and location of the sales and the user’s cross-device journey.

Google has explained this property further. According to them, GA4 allows you to send specific parameters for each event. The parameters help you gain data concerning their action or provide additional context to an event.

In addition to the parameters that can be automatically logged, you can log additional 25 parameters for each event. The GA4 provide you with data concerning events and parameters from your app and website.


GA4 offers numerous benefits to users. It is still at its initial stage, and developers continue adding new features to it. However, to make the most of this new analytics feature and stay ahead of the competition, you need to understand its features.

In this regard, you can consult the trusted boutique digital marketing agency Singapore, Elevan August Media. They offer a wide range of digital marketing services. By gaining useful analytics data from your website, they can further help develop effective digital marketing strategies to grow your business. Conatct our best marketing agency Singapore to know more.

Elevan August

Lee Yan Ting
Lee Yan Ting

Founder of Elevan August Media | Featured on several local and regional media: Home & Décor, Straits Times, REGISTRYE Singapore, Hive Life, Queer Majority (USA) and more.