Facebook Marketing for Real Estate Agents

facebook marketing

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business. It is not only needed to inform the audience about the products or services a business offers but also to engage them. This will pave the way for business conversion and earning revenue which will further contribute to business growth. It has been found that marketing on social media platforms is more effective, convenient and cheaper in comparison to the conventional form of media. Facebook is the biggest social network with around 2.45 billion monthly active users across the globe. This very fact makes it an ideal option for the marketing of any brand or business. Let us discuss how Facebook marketing for real estate agents can be beneficial.

How to use Facebook Marketing for Real Estate Agents

The various ways by which real estate agents can use Facebook Marketing effectively for their business are by creating

  • Facebook Business Page – The main advantage of creating a Facebook Business Page is that it helps in representing the business professionally to the audience. Additionally, it allows the business to market its followers more effectively by using features that are otherwise not available in their profile.

  • Facebook Ads – Another effective way to use Facebook Marketing for real estate agents is to create various formats of Facebook Ads and use various features to reach your target.

Creating and Effectively using Facebook Business Page

While you can create a Facebook Business Page by yourself, you can take the help of any Facebook marketing agency to use it effectively. Some useful Facebook marketing tips for real estate agents are discussed below. 

  • Frequent updating of cover photo – Use the cover photo of the business page to highlight the image of the homes that are available for sale. This will keep your audience updated and will also encourage them to initiate a discussion regarding the same. Eventually, this can help in business conversion as well.

  • Use images and videos – It is advisable for real estate agents to use images or videos in their posts as a form of Facebook Marketing. Facebook posts with images and videos are likely to receive more engagements in comparison to textual posts.

Additionally, you can also share photos of your team as well as your happy clients. Putting a personal face on your business can help in gaining the trust of your audience. They will feel more comfortable knowing that they are dealing with real people rather than a faceless organization.

  • Respond to comments – Whenever someone leaves a reply on your posts, always respond to them irrespective of whether they are positive or negative comments. This implies that you are paying attention to all your existing as well as potential clients.

  • Always remember the 80/20 rule – Real estate agents while using Facebook Marketing must remember that 80% of the contents posted on their Facebook business page should be customer-focused and the remaining 20% should be dedicated to their business. This type of content will improve engagement and interaction.

  • Posts for generating likes and comments – To drive more traffic to your Facebook business page or to increase the number of followers, a certain type of posts can be effective. Real estate agents can create posts that contain interesting information, advice, etc specifically for this purpose.

Any agency offering Facebook Marketing Services Singapore can take care of all these aspects on your behalf.

Creating Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents

Facebook ads are effective to target your audience and reach them effectively. Firstly, you need to determine the goal of your ad campaign and then you can use various targeting options to ensure that your ads reach their target audience. You can use various features to target your audience and use various ad formats to improve audience engagement.

  • Targeting audience – An effective use of Facebook marketing for real estate agents can be to target the audience using various ad features. You can target your audience as per your preferred location, age ranges, earning, home-ownership status, etc.

  • High-quality images – It is also suggested that real estate agents must use high-quality images of the property they are selling to grab the attention and interest of their viewers.

  • Video marketing – It has been found that listings with a video receive more inquiries in comparison to the ones without any videos. This form of marketing method is still very much underutilized for the real estate business. You can create visually attractive videos in their listings to impress your viewers. Besides, you can also create a 360-degree video in which your potential buyers can move around with the help of their mouse as if they are exploring the property on their own. However, it is important to remember that while uploading such videos to your Facebook Ad Manager, you must follow their recommended specifications.

  • Carousel Ads for displaying multiple properties – This type of ad format allows the real estate agents to display multiple images in a catalog format for the convenience of the viewers. You can either display multiple properties or put the images of multiple rooms in a single property in a carousel advertisement. Any Facebook marketing agency can help you in creating such ads.

  • Maintain Transparency – One of the main challenges faced by any real estate agent is to gain the trust of the audience. Buying or selling a property involves a huge financial decision that can make a huge impact on the life of the people involved in it. As many of your potential customers might have encountered certain real estate agents that have sowed a seed of doubt regarding them in their minds, gaining trust might be a huge challenge. The only way to bring them into confidence is to maintain as much transparency in your real estate ads as possible. You can do so by including realistic images, providing actual information concerning prices, location, number of rooms, area of the property, etc in your ads. This will help your audience know what they are getting before they proceed any further.

  • Don’t ignore ads during peak season – Similar to other businesses, the real estate business also has peak seasons that vary as per locations and weather. While many real estate agents focus on their potential buyers during peak seasons, they often ignore the importance of ads. It has been seen that reaching out to the right Facebook audience during peak season improves the chances of selling your properties.

  • Use of Testimonials and review – Another effective way of using Facebook Marketing for real estate agents is to encourage your clients to leave a review or testimonials against your Facebook ads. This will in turn help in establishing the credibility of your business bringing in more potential customers.

Methods to Generate Leads through Facebook Marketing

Thus, it is clear from the above discussion, that by creating Facebook Business Pages and Facebook Ads, you can establish the reliability of your brand and make your audience interested in your products. However, while improving organic traffic is important, it is also crucial to generate leads so that they convert into businesses. This section will discuss how you can use Facebook marketing to generate leads.

  • Group Sharing

The effort you have taken to create images and videos that are inviting to the eyes will go in waste if they fail to generate leads. By using various features, you can target your audience and by creating such posts you can attract your audience, but to generate leads you need to reach a larger audience. And that could be achieved with the help of ‘group sharing’. You can promote your Facebook business page and your posts by sharing them on related Facebook groups that have a much larger follower base. In this way, you can reach a much larger market and your chances of generating leads will also improve. Any professional agency involved in Facebook Marketing Services Singapore can assist you in this regard.

  • Paid Methods

In comparison to the previous two methods, there are other paid methods that you can use for Facebook marketing. They are ‘Facebook Sidebar Ads’, ‘Promoted Posts’ etc. to get more followers and thereby more leads for your business.

Along with following the above-mentioned tips, you can also formulate other social media marketing strategies for your business growth. You can hire any Facebook Marketing Agency regarding the same, as you focus on other important aspects of your business.

Elevan August

Lee Yan Ting
Lee Yan Ting

Founder of Elevan August Media | Featured on several local and regional media: Home & Décor, Straits Times, REGISTRYE Singapore, Hive Life, Queer Majority (USA) and more.