A Beginner’s Guide to Running Social Ads in Singapore

Guide to Running Social Ads in Singapore

Running social ads in Singapore presents a unique challenge for businesses. With endless digital noise bombarding consumers daily, making your ads stand out and deliver returns is no easy feat. 

You may have tried boosting posts, only to watch your budget vanish without moving the needle. Or you’re hesitant to start, unsure if social ads are worthwhile in the middle of the competitive noise. 

The key is understanding Singapore’s digital markets and taking a targeted approach that resonates locally. After all, effective social advertising requires more than spending. It needs thoughtfulness. 

Let’s look at how you can create social ads that connect with Singaporean audiences to drive real business growth.

Choose Your Platform Wisely

Not all social platforms work equally well in Singapore. 

While Facebook remains widely popular across age groups, Instagram rules the younger crowd. LinkedIn dominates professionally and TikTok is still rapidly rising. 

Choose platforms where your audience already spends time. If you sell trendy streetwear, Instagram and TikTok should be on your radar. 

For B2B services, LinkedIn may prove fruitful. 

Don’t spread yourself too thin on too many platforms. Focus your efforts on one or two where your audience is most engaged.

Know Your Audience Inside Out

Understanding your target audience is key for social ads to resonate. Dig into the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your intended Singapore market. 

Use platform tools like Facebook’s Audience Insights to gather data on your potential customers. 

Consider local preferences too—Singaporeans love food, travel, and technology. They also seek value-for-money and authenticity. 

Tailor your ad messaging to align with these drivers. 

A local cafe could spotlight unique fusion dishes and budget-friendly promotions to cater to food-loving, bargain-seeking locals.

Craft Compelling Ad Content

In a crowded feed, your ad must stand out. Employ eye-catching visuals and keep text punchy. 

Speak to customer pain points or wants. Convey why your offering is a differentiated solution for the Singapore consumer. 

Remember to include a clear call-to-action driving viewers to take your desired next step. 

While Singlish resonates for some audiences, keep messaging professional, especially for B2B. 

Test different formats too; carousels showcase products, while video can share your brand narrative effectively.

Set a Realistic Budget and Bidding Strategy

Start small and scale up judiciously. With intense digital competition, be prepared to invest in Singapore, but do so strategically. 

Define a daily budget you can sustain and adapt based on performance. 

Most platforms provide automatic bidding options that can kick-start your efforts. But as you gather data, consider shifting to manual bidding for greater control. 

Remember, the lowest cost per click may not always convert best. Focus on cost per conversion to ensure your ad spend drives real value.

Target and Retarget Strategically

Leverage platforms’ targeting capabilities to reach your best-fit Singapore consumers. You can target by location, interests, behaviors and more. 

Create custom audiences from your website visitors or customer database. Then employ retargeting to serve ads to users already familiar with your brand. 

For instance, you could offer special deals to website visitors who left without purchasing. 

Retargeting often yields higher conversion rates when you’re marketing to an already aware group.

Monitor, Analyze, and Optimize

Running social ads isn’t “fire and forget.” Regularly assess performance using platforms’ analytic tools, examining metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate and return on ad spend. 

What’s working well? What’s falling short? Refine your targeting, creative and budget allocation based on these insights. 

Don’t be afraid to pause underperforming ads and double down on winners. Understand that optimization is continual—the Singapore market moves rapidly, so your strategy should keep pace.

Final Thoughts

Diving into social ads may seem challenging initially, but getting proficient at it pays dividends in long term. 

Start small, test approaches and learn from each campaign. There’s no one-size-fits-all playbook. What resonates for one business may not for another. That’s where specialists like our team at Elevan August come in. 

We understand the unique complexities of running social ads locally. Our experts can help craft a tailored strategy—from platform selection to impactful creatives to optimizing for maximum ROI. 

Whether you’re exploring social ads or want to improve existing efforts, we’re here to guide you each step of the way. Let’s collaborate to make your social presence not just seen, but remembered and acted upon by Singaporeans.

Elevan August

Lee Yan Ting
Lee Yan Ting

Founder of Elevan August Media | Featured on several local and regional media: Home & Décor, Straits Times, REGISTRYE Singapore, Hive Life, Queer Majority (USA) and more.